Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Another New Venture

So ALL who know me, know I LOVE to cook (and eat!) In my early 20's I was no stranger to Mc Donald's or a quick run through What-A-Burger after a night of dancing with friends. Well as we get older, the foods that once were SO easy to work off on the dance floor become really good friends with all your body and latch on to those curves!

I strive daily to find new and healthy recipies for Hubby without depriving us of our passions -- and let's face it, eating "healthy" is not always the cheap route either! Granted, we love our taqueria's and our comfort foods, so needless to say we will not shed those anytime soon (but with the right exercises and learning to eat in moderation) food can once again become your friend -- NOT enemy ;)

As I am addicted to writing lengthy blog entries on my original (personal) blog -- My Therapy - I thought it would be fun to incoporate my love of writing into a blog that can offer fun, easy recipies donated by myself and all others!

Hubby and I have several family and friends with killer skills in the kitchen and I thought how fun to incorporate them all into a blog.

I hope you will enjoy reading and contributing as much as I will learning all sorts of new recipies from all over!

XO Lyndie

1 comment:

  1. Way cool!!! One of my favrorite things! Food...and the cooking of it! Looking forward to the recipes!
